DBP: We are on the brink of a point of no return
DBP stated that practices of political genocide will produce no result, warning; “We are on the brink of a point of no return”.
DBP stated that practices of political genocide will produce no result, warning; “We are on the brink of a point of no return”.
DBP (Democratic Regions' Party) Amed Law Office released a press statement at the Law Commission Information Office regarding the latest developments in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan.
The press statement was read by DBP Party Assembly and Central Law Commission member Lawyer Şivan Celil Özgen who pointed out that the Decree Law (KHK) declared after the imposition of State of Emergency has raised concerns across the country.
DBP stated that 821 people have lost their lives during the siege of Turkish forces in North Kurdistan in recent process, and that a total of 1492 civilians including 110 children and 11 women have lost their lives during the AKP ruling. DBP also recalled the murder of Amed Bar Association Chairman Tahir Elçi, disappearance of DBP Şırnak administrator Hurşit Külter and the ongoing imprisonment of hundreds of DBP members alongside DBP co-chair Kamuran Yüksek.
"It is a reality that a perspective that totally ignores the DBP does not serve peace and resolution. These kind of pressures that block democratic politics result in polarization in the society. It should be known that these practices will produce no results, just like what has happened until today. Subjecting basic right and freedoms to a restriction wider than the practices of State of Emergency and the minimalization of statutory audit indicate darker days for our country. This must be ended for we are on the brink of a point of no return.”
Strongly opposing to the practices against law and human dignity under any circumstances, DBP also condemned the media reports targeting members of the Peace Mothers' Initiative.
DBP said they will never accept the efforts to legitimize the unlawful practices experienced across the Kurdish territory under the name of anti-coup struggle, and demanded the determination and punishment of all those responsible for the war crimes committed in the Kurdish territory during the past one year.