Defend Rojava: Join National Unity and Resistance Marches

Defend Rojava Platform called for 'National Unity and Resistance Marches' to be held in December against the Turkish invading attacks on Rojava.

Defend Rojava Platform has called for 'National Unity and Resistance Marches' against the Turkish state attacks on Rojava.

In a written statement the Defend Rojava Platform said: "The ethnic cleansing initiated in Rojava on October 9 is not only aimed at Rojava, but at the whole Kurdistan."

The statement added: "We will march from Lausanne to Geneva on December 5-6 to embrace our people, our dignity and our lands with the spirit of national unity and resistance. Through our marches, we will demand that the international institutions, especially the UN, take action with concrete sanctions instead of being silent about the massacres and invasions of the Turkish state.

As Kurdistan parties, institutions, intellectuals and artists, we will carry out the actions listed below as National Unity and Resistance Marches.

We will organize these actions on behalf of Defend Rojava, which includes 77 Kurdistan (Kurdish-Assyrian, Armenian, Yazidi, Alevi, Christian, Muslim, women and youth) institutions. On the basis of the fight against genocide and ethnic cleansing, we organize National Unity and Resistance Marches."


A long march from Lausanne to Geneva will take place with the participation of all Kurdistan parties and representatives of the institutions, artists, intellectuals and academics between 5 and 6 December.

On Saturday, December 7, National Unity and Resistance Marches with joint committees at the level of states and countries around the world.


Parties and institutions of the plataform are as follows:

"KNK (Kongreya Netewêyi ya Kürdistanê) - Kurdish National Congress
YNK (Yektiya Nistimane Kurdistan) - PUK
PYD (Partiya yekîtiya Demokrat) -
KCDK-E (Kongra Civaka Kürdistaniyan Ewrupa)
Harekete GORAN
ESU (Yekitiya Süryaniye Ewrupa)  
TJK-E (Tevgera Jinê Kürdistanê Ewrupa)
PDKS (Partiya Demokrat kurdi ya sûrî)
Partiya çep a kurd li sûrî.
Tevgera nûjen ya kurdistanî-sûrya.
EL-PARTİ (Partiya demokrata kurde li Suri)
Partiya demokrata pêşverû ya kurd li sûrıya.
Partiya çep a Demokrat li sûrıya
Partiya yekîtiya kurd li sûriya
Partiya rêkeftin a kurd li sûrya.
Partiya çaksaziya kurd li sûriya.
Partiya kesk a Kurdistanî li sûriya.
Partiya demoqrata Kurdistanî li sûrya.
Partiya Komunist a Kurdistanî li sûriya.
Partiya yekîtiya sûryanî li sûrya.
Tevgere Azadi
PJAK (Partiye jiyana Azada kurdistan)
Sazimana xebata Kurdistan Iran
Partiya serbestiya kurdistanê
Partiya Yekiti
PIK (Partiya islamiya Kürdistan)
Tevgere Kawa
Partiya Azadiye Kürdistana
Rêkxistna Kurdistaniyan hizbê komonîstê iranê -
Revolutionar -Union Of Kurdistan
KOMALA- Kurdistan organisation of Communist Party of Iran
KODAR (Civaka demokratîk û Azada rojhelatê Kurdistan)
KAR (Civaka jinên rojhelatê Kurdistanê)
KKP ( Partiya Kominista Kurdistan)
Mezopotamya Özgürlük partisi - Mesopotamia Freedom Party
Mezopotamya Dayanişma Derneğ - Mesopotamia Solidarity Association
Platforma dimokratîkê Pilatforma Yarsan Iran
Mezopotamya Halk Kongresi - Mesopotamia People Congress
Welt Kurdische Organisation  
Sazmana Xebatê Kürdistana iran
Platforma yarsan
Platforma Zagros
Platforma Hora
Yekitiya şoreşgeran
Yarikurd Organization
Yarsan Democratic Organization
Tevgerê dimokratîk yarsan
Kurdischer Geminde Stuttgart
NAVEN e.V Bonn
FEDA ( Federesyona Elewîyên Kurdistan)
NAV – YEK ( Federasyona Komelen Ezidiya)
Kurdische Zentrum Berlin
CIK ( Civaka Islamiya Kurdistan
Enstituta Kurdî – Almamaya
Enstituta Kurdî – Brüksel
MŞD ( Meclisa Şingal ya Derveyi Welat)
YMK ( Yekîtîya Mamostayên Kurdistan)
YES (Yekitiya Êzdiyên Suri)
Kurdisch Gemeînde Brandenburg - Berlîn    
Mala Kurda Berlîn
Komela Rojan Niviskar Berlin
Komela Rojava Berlin
Mala gele Kürdistan e.V  
Kurdische Frauen im Exil
The Socialist Trend of koala
Welt Kurdische Organisation(WKO) e.V.
Dachverband der Êzidischen Frauenräte
NAVEND- Center for Kurdish Studies e.V.
Democratic Kurdish Federation of Canada
Federation of Democratic Kurdish Society-Australia (FDKS-A)
The Greater Toronto Kurdish House/Canada
Iraqi Minority group Toronto/Canada
Iraqi Woman society Toronto/Canada
Kurdish Center For Human Rights."