Delegation from Afrin holds meetings in Ankara

Delegation from Afrin holds meetings in Ankara

A delegation from the Afrin canton of Rojava (West Kurdistan) is in Ankara to hold meetings with the Turkish authorities in order to discuss the opening of a border gate between Turkey and Afrin as well developing neighbourly relations.

The delegation from the Afrin administration consists of the Afrin canton PM Hêvî Mistefa, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Süleyman Cafer, deputy minister of Foreign affairs, Cihan Mihemmed and the Minister of the Economy, Ahmet Yusuf. The delegation is visiting Ankara on the invitation of the Democratic Society Congress (DTK) and Solidarity with Rojava Association. The delegation wishes to meet primarily the Turkish government and the Turkish authorities.

The delegation will have a meeting today with the head of the Confederation of Public Workers’ Unions, Lami Özgen. The delegation will meet the members of MAZLUM-DER tomorrow and will join the rally in solidarity with Kobanê. The delegation is expected to issue a statement about Afrin and Kobanê tomorrow after they attend the congress of the Human Rights Association.