DEM Party delegation holds diplomatic talks in Germany

A DEM Party delegation headed by co-chair Tülay Hatimoğulları is holding diplomatic talks in Germany.

The delegation includes co-chair of the Foreign Relations Commission Ebru Günay, European Representative Eyyüp Doru and German Representative Leyla Imret.

The delegation met with representatives of Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), as well as Max Lucks, chair of the Turkey-Germany Friendship Group in the German Federal Parliament, and MPs members of the friendship group.

The DEM Party delegation also held a meeting with German Social Democratic Party (SPD) Parliamentary Foreign Affairs spokesperson Nils Schmid and representatives from the SPD administration, and with representatives of the think tank Science and Policy Foundation (SWP).

During the meetings, the DEM Party delegation conveyed its views on the 31 March local election results, the democratic opposition's struggle for the democratic solution to the Kurdish issue, Turkey-EU relations and the future of Turkey-German relations. Special attention was dedicated to the current situation and the Kobanê Conspiracy Case, whose sentence is attended tomorrow.

Tülay Hatimoğulları spoke at a panel titled "Turkey After Local Elections" jointly organized by the Rosa Luxembourg Foundation and CENÎ Women's Peace Bureau. The delegation's meetings in Germany will continue today.