DEM Party MPs protest trustee Hakkari coup in Turkish parliament

DEM Party MPs came together in parliament and started a protest against the appointment of a trustee to Hakkari Municipality.

The Parliamentary Group of the People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) began to protest the appointment of a trustee to Hakkari (Colemêrg) Municipality by not leaving the Parliamentary General Assembly podium.

DEM Party Hakkari MP Vezir Parlak spoke during the motion about the trustees, and then DEM Party members all went to the podium together. Party members started protesting with signs saying "Municipalities are ours, we will not allow usurpation."

Despite the warnings of Parliament Deputy Speaker Gülizar Biçer Karaca, DEM Party members did not leave the podium. Karaca took a 10-minute break from the board due to the protest. Meanwhile, several CHP MPs offered their support to DEM Party.

8 years of trustees

DEM Party MPs Group Chair Gülistan Kılıç Koçyiğit said: “We are facing a major unlawful operation and a major trustee regime."

Reminding that trustees have been appointed to the municipalities they won through elections for the last 8 years, Koçyiğit said: “The will of the Kurdish people has been ignored for 8 years. The Kurdish people's right to vote has been suspended for 8 years. The government that has been ruling this country has been telling the Kurds for the past 8 years that they are not citizens, they are not equal, their vote is not equal to the vote of those in Yozgat.”

Koçyiğit continued: “What are you trying to get from Hakkari? Which of your interests suffers when DEM PARTY rules in Hakkari? Say it, say it, but say it clearly, so that all the people of Turkey will know. Let all the people of Turkey know about your hostility, hatred, grudge and lawlessness, because we know it. But let's also say this, we will never, ever surrender. You will be defeated. You will be defeated by the spirit of Gezi, the solidarity of Kobane, the upright stance of our comrades, the comrades you put in prison, the smile of our children, the struggle of women for equality and freedom, the struggle of every person who wants democratic change in this country.”