DEM Party to hold an extraordinary meeting today

DEM Party said "We will overthrow your conspiracies" regarding the verdicts in the Kobanê Case. The party decided to convene extraordinarily.

The verdict continues to be announced in the Kobanê Trial in which 108 politicians, 18 of whom are imprisoned, are on trial.

The Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) expressed its first reaction with a statement on social media.

"The sentences given to our friends held hostage in the Kobanî Trial cannot deter us. Those who strike a blow to democratic politics should know that we will overthrow your conspiracies, we will win, the peoples will win".

The DEM Party Central Executive Committee (MYK) and component co-chairs will hold an extraordinary meeting at the Headquarters this evening (16 May Thursday) at 18.00 following the verdict of the Kobanê Trial.