Demirtaş: I believe the outcome will be beautiful
HDP's Presidential Candidate Selahattin Demirtaş cast his vote in the Edirne Prison he is held in.
HDP's Presidential Candidate Selahattin Demirtaş cast his vote in the Edirne Prison he is held in.
In a social media post, Demirtaş said, "I hope everybody goes to the ballots and, for the future of the country, make their choice in favor of democracy."
Demirtaş's message is as follows:
"We too cast our vote, in the prison. I hope everybody goes to the ballots and, for the future of the country, make their choice in favor of democracy. I hope voting will be completed in a peaceful and calm environment. I believe the outcome will be beautiful. May everything be good for us all."
Biz de oyumuzu, cezaevinde kullandık. Herkesin sandığa giderek ülkenin geleceği için, tercihini demokrasiden yana kullanmasını diliyorum. Oy verme işleminin sakin ve huzurlu bir ortamda tamamlanmasını umuyorum. Sonuçların çok güzel olacağına inanıyorum. Hepimize hayırlı olsun.
— Selahattin Demirtaş (@hdpdemirtas) June 24, 2018