Demirtaş: We will continue resisting against the internal security package

Demirtaş said: “The righteousness of our approach regarding the security package has been proved by the AKP deputies' attitude containing violence."

HDP (Peoples' Democratic Party) co-president Selahattin Demirtaş spoke at the opening session of the Second Mediterranean Conference organised by the European Left Party in the province of Istanbul today.

Regarding a joint statement set to be made by the AKP and HDP about the ongoing process of resolution for the Kurdish question, Demirtaş said debates continued on the mentioned statement which was had been meant to serve as a call involving steps for democratization and freedom.

HDP co-president said the reason why such a statement has not been issued yet was the manipulative approaches of the government and the circles supporting it. He continued: “This statement has been postponed because of remarks by officials claiming that the PKK will lay down arms and abandon the mountain. The withdrawal was suspended because of the attitude the government displayed in the withdrawal process. The government is treating the process over its own concerns.”

Referring to the 'internal security package' being discussed at the Turkish Parliament, Demirtaş said: “The righteousness of our approach regarding the security package has been proved by the AKP deputies' attitude containing violence. We will do whatever we can and continue our resistance in order not to allow this bill to become a law.”

Pointing out that the government misled the public opinion on this issue, Demirtaş said the followings addressing to the government of Turkey: "If you are sincere about the bills against bonsai and molotov cocktail, restrict the bill with the two mentioned items and we can enact the law all together. However, your intention is different as you are after protecting your own palace and sovereignty. You have no approach for the democratization of the state."

Asked about the refusal by AKP to a motion demanding an investigation into the parallel structure within the state, Demirtaş said: "The AKP's fight against the parallel structure is limited with its own interests. It is not about democratizing the state."