Demo against French repression of Kurdish activists on Saturday
Demonstration to support Kurdish activists targeted by French justice to be held in Paris on Saturday.
Demonstration to support Kurdish activists targeted by French justice to be held in Paris on Saturday.
The Kurdish Democratic Council in France (CDK-F) has launched an appeal calling on all associations and civil society organisations to join them on Saturday to protest against the wave of repression launched by France.
The demonstration will be held at 5.30 in Rue La Fayette, in Paris, where the three Kurdish women politicians, Sakine Cansiz, Fidan Dogan and Leyla Saylemez were murdered on January 2013.
The manifesto signed already by many organisations reads: "We, political and trade union organizations, French civil society, condemn the wave of repression currently being waged by French justice against Kurdish activists, who are committed to finding a political solution for Kurdistan."
The manifesto recalled that on 12 June, the day before Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian visited Turkey, several searches were carried out by the French police and some activists from the Kurdish democratic movement were taken into custody. The Turkish counterpart praised the action taken by France against the Kurdish movement.
Two activists, Agit Polat and Vedat Bingöl, spokesmen and former co-chair of the Kurdish Democratic Council in France (CDK-F), have seen their assets frozen on the decision of the ministries of the economy and the interior.
"These same two people - said the manifesto - were explicitly threatened. In the case of one of them, his young son was approached in a park where he played by a stranger who made threats against his father."
The manifesto recalled how "in 2013, three Kurdish activists have already been murdered in France. The investigation conducted by the French justice has shown that those ordering this despicable act were senior officials of the Secret Service of Turkey (MIT). Justice could not be done because of the death of the murderer. It would be unbearable for a new tragedy to happen. We demand that the French State take its responsibilities and protect Kurdish political activists who have taken refuge or are born on its soil against any attack on their lives or on their freedom of expression and political organization."
The manifesto said "France must not be following Turkey' step and taking part in the repression of the Kurdish democratic movement. The fraternity of peoples cannot be trade for a handful of contracts."
The first signatories of the manifesto calling on everyone to join the demonstration on Saturday are:
France-Kurdistan, Union Syndicale Solidaires, Nouveau Parti anticapitaliste (NPA), Mouvement contre le Racisme et pour l'Amitié des Peuples (MRAP), Conseil de Coordination des Organisations arméniennes de France (CCAF), Parti communiste français (PCF), Parti de Gauche (PG), France insoumise (FI), Europe Écologie Les Vers (EELV), Génération Union communiste libertaire (UCL), Confédération nationale du Travail (CNT), Collectif des Amazighs en France, SOS Racisme, Union Prolétarienne ML, Génération.s, Pour une Ecologie Populaire et Sociale (PEPS), Union des Etudiants Communistes (UEC), Mouvement Jeunes Communistes de France (MJCF)