Demo against ISIS attacked by police in Istanbul

Demo against ISIS attacked by police in Istanbul

Members of the Kobanê Solidarity platform in Istanbul were brutally attacked by police as they gathered in the central Tunnel area and started a march to protest at Saturday's attack the ISIS launched on Kobanê from Turkish soil.

The demonstration was participated by a large number of people including executives of the DBP (Party of Democratic Regions, formerly BDP) and HDP (Peoples' Democratic Party).

Police blockaded the demonstrators soon after they started their march to the central Galatasaray Square, chanting slogans condemning the “collaborative AKP” and carrying flags of the YPG, HPG and KCK.

Attacking the mass without any warning, police teams, who included dozens of plainclothes policemen with beard, detained seven people, injured an old woman and broke a youth's nose.

The old woman injured in the crackdown was rushed to hospital while the demonstrators insisted on not leaving the area until those detained are released, forcing the police to do so after a long waiting.

DBP and HDP executives strongly condemned the police crackdown which -they said- has once again proved the Turkish support to ISIS, also stressing that no attack will be able to intimidate them from exercising their democratic right to protest.