Demo in Duisburg against Turkish occupation attacks
Protests against the Turkish state’s attacks and massacres in Kurdistan continue worldwide.
Protests against the Turkish state’s attacks and massacres in Kurdistan continue worldwide.
Democratic Kurdish Community Center (DTKM), the (German Federation of Workers from Turkey (TİF) and the Federation of Migrant Workers in Germany (AGİF) promoted a demonstration in Duisburg city in protest at the Turkish state’s occupation attacks and massacres that target the Kurdish people in various parts of Kurdistan.
Speeches were made here by DTKM co-chair Niyazi Öztaş, AGİF co-chair Onur Güler, ATİK co-chair Süleyman Gürcan and TCŞ (Revolutionary Youth Movement) representative. The speakers protested Turkey’s genocidal attacks and said that the Kurdish people must resist these attacks.
Speakers called for the united revolutionary struggle to be increased all around Europe.