Demo in Frankfurt against Turkish occupation attacks on Rojava and Shengal

Protests continue against the Turkish regime’s genocidal attacks on the Kurdish people seeking to invade their lands and eradicate their existence.

Kurds took to the streets in the German city of Frankfurt on Saturday in protest at the Turkish state’s occupation attacks across the Kurdistan territory within the borders of three countries.

Gathering at the central train station, the crowd joined by German activists denounced the increasingly ongoing Turkish attacks on North-East Syria and the Yazidi town of Shengal (Sinjar) in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq) in violation of international law.

A speech on behalf of the German Socialist Youth Organization highlighted the importance of the Rojava Revolution in terms of setting an example for revolutionary struggles and suggested that the Autonomous Administration of Rojava should be a model for all societies.

Demonstrators also condemned the international silence and ignorance towards the Erdoğan regime’s attacks for the sake of political and economic interests.