Democracy Vigils in Istanbul and Izmir

Democracy Vigils are held in Istanbul and Izmir.

Democracy Vigils are being carried out in many cities to protest the dismissal of the democratically and freely elected HDP mayors of Amed, Van and Mardin on 19 August and the appointment of trustees. 

The Democracy Vigil is held in Istanbul as well, in Esenyurt Square. HDP deputies Dilşat Canbaz Kaya, Kemal Bülbül, Ömer Öcalan and Nejdet Ipekyüz joined the Vigil led by the HDP.

On Friday evening it was reported that 6 people who participated in the Democracy Vigil were taken into custody.

The square was completely surrounded by police and guards, while deputies were blocked. Snipers were deployed on top of the buildings. TOMA closed off the street, armored vehicles  patrolled the area. Citizens protested the heavy police presence.

HDP Antalya deputy Kemal Bülbül said: "Our aim is not to disturb the tradesmen and the public. On the contrary, it is to defend the right of the people, the poor, the unemployed. We are here as MPs. We're surrounded. People are prevented from coming here."

HDP Istanbul Provincial co-chair Cengiz Cicek was forced to answer journalists' questions over the phone as police did not allow the press to enter the area where the Vigil was taking place.

"As HDP - Cicek said - we will continue to disrupt the games of fascism, oppressive policies, and we will continue to expose this empire of lies."

Democracy Vigil in Izmir

A Democracy Vigil against the seizure of the HDP-run municipalities is also taking place in Izmir where CHP deputy Kani Beko expressed his support. 

Beko said: "This is a human rights, democracy, peace and brotherhood problem. We are here to express solidarity with our friends. We have been fighting for democracy and brotherhood in this country. We stand to mayors whose rights have been usurped after the elections".