Rallies and numerous actions against the Turkish attacks on Kurdistan and the European closure policy are taking place in Europe despite the Coronavirus pandemic.
Seven activists have gathered today on Kiliansplatz in Heilbronn to call attention to the war crimes of the AKP government in Kurdistan. In a speech it was pointed out that the attacks of the Turkish state continue undiminished, especially in Northern Syria and Southern Kurdistan, and that the pandemic prevention in Rojava is undermined by this. Three civilians were killed last week in a drone attack on the Maxmur refugee camp in Southern Kurdistan. The activists also called for the evacuation of the refugee camps in the Greek islands. The rally took place peacefully and under the given security measures.
A rally against Turkey's occupation plans in the Medya Defense Zones in Southern Kurdistan took place at the Peace Square in Bonn. The activists also protested against the South Kurdistan party KDP, which cooperates with the Turkish state and has deployed heavy weapons and troops to Zinê Wertê area at the edge of the guerrilla zone in the Qandil mountains. A banner read: "How long will the UN turn a blind eye to the Turkish massacres of the Kurdish people in Turkey?”
In the Hague, a protest action took place in front of the Dutch parliament, which was directed against the Erdogan government and all the states that support the Turkish regime in its extermination mania against the Kurds with their silence.
In Hanover and Augsburg, activists of the Kurdish youth movement (Tevgera Ciwanên Şoreşger) hung up banners and sprayed graffiti.