Demonstration in solidarity with Kurdistan in the Basque Country

More than 30 organizations from all over the Basque Country organized a demonstration in solidarity with the Kurdish freedom struggle in North Kurdistan and Rojava.

More than 30 organizations from all over the Basque Country have organized A demonstration in Solidarity with the Kurdish freedom struggle in North Kurdistan and Rojava at the weekend. Among the organizers were international solidarity groups like Herri Kurduarekin Alkartasun Ekimena, Newroz Elkartea, Komite Internazionalistak, Askapena and Biji Kurdistan, which work politically for several years on Kurdistan, as well as unions and political parties like EH-Bildu and Podemos.

The demonstration was held in Bilbao, the biggest city of the Basque Country, with a preparation time of two months. It was the biggest solidarity demonstration with the Kurds in the history of the Basque people.

In the demonstration the growing repression against Kurds in North Kurdistan and Turkey has been criticized and solidarity with the freedom struggle of the Kurds has been expressed. Different speakers mentioned the arrest of thousands of political activists, journalists, HDP/DBP members, co-mayors and HDP parliamentarians, the forced administrations put on the Kurdish municipalities and thus the destruction of all democratic spheres in the state of Turkey. Also the revolution in Rojava was subject of speeches which urged to show solidarity for this important development for Syria, the Middle East and the world.

Demonstrators particularly emphasized the terror of the Turkish state on Kurdish women. Women, who joined the World Women's March in March 2015 in North Kurdistan, held speeches and commemorated Kurdish women who have been killed since the restart of the war in North Kurdistan.

The demonstration was supported by;

- Herri Kurduarekin Elkartasun Ekimena

- Euskal Herriko Emakumeen Mundu Martxa

- Txiapasekin

- Lumaltik

- Newroz Elkartea


- Komite Internazionalistak

- Askapena

- Biji Kurdistan

- Gaztañoko auzo elkartea (Orereta)

- Ikasle Abertzaleak

- Ernai









- EHNE Bizkaia

- ESK.
