Demonstrations against isolation all over Europe

Demonstrations were held in Karlsruhe, Frankfurt, Mannheim, in Germany as well as in Paris and La Rochelle in France and in Basel in Switzerland to protest isolation and support hunger strikers.

HDP Hakkari MP Leyla Güven reached day 109 of her hunger strike, Nasir Yagiz day 96, political prisoners day 71, the 14 activists in Strasbourg and Ilhan Sis in Wales day 70.

Kurds all over Europe are mobilising to ensure maximum support to the hunger strikers and demand the end of isolation against Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan.


An action was organized in Karlsruhe, Germany to protest the isolation of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan and support the hunger strike resistance.

Kurds from Karlsruhe and surrounding places, as well as the MLKP, Partizan and Die Linke, joined the action at Karslruhe Stephanplatz.

Lukas Bimmerle, who spoke on behalf of German Left Party Die Linke, said: “Die Linke Party supports Kurdish people’s struggle and wants to be the voice of the hunger strikers. The banning of the PKK in Germany is a shame for Germany. Germany's arms sales to Turkey should be stopped immediately.”

During the speeches police tried to remove photos of Öcalan saying they were banned.


A march and a rally promoted by Nav-Dem took place in Frankfurt to support the hunger strike resistance.

Hundreds of people from Frankfurt, Gissen, Mainz, Hanau, Offenbach and Rüsselsheim joined the action led by the Democratic Party.

In a speech it was reminded that “Leyla Güven and her friends on hunger strike are on the verge of death. The CPT and the other European institutions should act before is too late.”


A rally was held in Mannheim joined by hundreds of people who gathered in Schloss.

DKTM and Ronahi-Berivan Women's Assembly promoted the action against the isolation of the Kurdish people’s leader and to support the hunger strikes.


Thousands of people joined a demo in Paris meeting at Rebuplique Square and marching to Bastille Square.

Speaking at a rally in Bastille square, Kurdish politician Murat Ceylan called on Kurds and their friends in France to support and step up the resistance.

La Rochelle

Kurds and their friends gathered in Vieux Port in La Rochelle, western France, and walked to Place de Gabut.

The demo was organised to support the hunger strikers demanding the end of isolation against Abdullah Öcalan.


A demonstration was organised by a number of women organisations in Basel to support the hunger strike led by DTK co-chair and HDP Hakkari MP Leyla Güven demanding the end of isolation against Abdullah Öcalan.