Demos against the Turkish state in 3 German cities

Demos in three German cities to protest the Turkish state and its mercenary allies against North-East Syria.

The invasion attacks carried out by the Turkish state and its mercenary allies against North-East Syria were protested in Heilbronn, Mosbach and Frankfurt.


A rally was held in Heilbronny to protest the Turkish state aggression of Rojava. Hundreds of Kurds and their friends participated in the rally in Kiliansplatz. The activists condemned the attacks and massacres carried out by the Turkish state.


In Mosbach too, Kurds and their friends condemned the Turkish state attacks on Rojava. At the rally speeches were made condemning the attacks and massacres carried out by the Turkish state, and a call to European countries was made demanding them to act and demand Turkey to leave Rojava.


A protest was held in Frankfurt during the Turkish Film Days. Activists drew attention to the Turkish state invasion of Northern and Eastern Syria.

Kurds living in Frankfurt organised a civil disobedience action in front of the cinema where the Turkish Film Days were held chanting slogans condemning the Turkish state.