Demos in Australia, Scotland, Greece, France and Netherlands
Kurds and their friends living in Europe protested the Turkish state's invasion and genocide attacks against Northern and Eastern Syria in many cities.
Kurds and their friends living in Europe protested the Turkish state's invasion and genocide attacks against Northern and Eastern Syria in many cities.
Protests and demos were held in many European countries.
Kurds and their friends gathered in Glasgow, Scotland to protest the Turkish state's invasion attempt in front of the BBC building.
In Edinburgh, the massacres of the Turkish state were protested. At the National Gallery of Scotland, Kurds handed out hundreds of leaflets about the massacres in Rojava.
In Melbourne Kurdish people and their friends came together at the Flinders Railway Station to protest the Turkish attack of Northern and Eastern Syria.
In Bordeaux hundreds of Kurds protested the use of chemical weapons by Turkey.
The massacres of the Turkish state in Northern and Eastern Syria were protested in Rotterdam. Hundreds of Kurds gathered in front of the Rotterdam Cenraal station to join the protest organised by the KCDK-E.
In Athens, the Turkish state was protested with an information stand put up in front of the Greece Office of the Council of the European Union.
In the evening, a crowd gathered in front of the University of Politeknia and walked to Monastraki Square.