Details of the assassination plan organised by ISIS against HDP co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş, some HDP deputies and co-mayors -which had been exposed by ANF on October 13, 2015- have come out in the investigation file of the Ankara massacre.
In the wake of the ANF report, it was found out that the assassination plan was also targeting Amed co-mayor Gültan Kışanak and HDP deputies, and the planners of the attack included the Hezbollah members released by AKP from Turkish prison.
It was also exposed that a team affiliated with ISIS had crossed from Syria into Turkey in August, 2015 in preparation of an attack on HDP co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş.
According to a report by DIHA, "secret" documents from the file of investigation on Ankara massacre involved the assassination plan against Demirtaş and revealed that some mayors from the DBP and were also a target.
On 5 August, 2015, Ankara Security Directorate was informed within the scope of information conveyed by PYD sources to HDP regarding preparations of an assassination against Demirtaş.
The Directorate of Intelligence tracing the matter sent a relevant letter to Anti-Terror Branch Directorate on 10 August, stating that no concrete determinations could be made regarding the mentioned assassination plan.
Yet, the issue was interpreted as a possibility that Demirtaş could be chosen a target due to his recent statements and the conflicts between YPG and ISIS.
It was learned through the fact sheets that the assassination plan also targeted HDP Amed MP Nimetullah Erdoğmuş, Amed Metropolitan Municipality Co-mayor Gültan Kışanak and former HDP Van MP Aysel Tuğluk.
The fact sheets also highlighted an expectation for the murder of someone from the grassroots of the Hezbollah Scholars Group in return for the murder of HÜDA-PAR member Aytaç Baran in Amed following the 7 June election.
It was also emphasised that 'provocative' attacks against Demirtaş, other top administrators and deputies could escalate the present tension and conflict.
The fact sheets noted that Hezbollah Scholars Group underwent a change in its organisational structure after the June 7 election, and that 'legal' and 'illegal' activities had been separated from each other.
The letter remarked that the same structure was also planning acts against people close to the PKK such as detention or interrogation.
The Hezbollah organisation mentioned in the documents is a structure armed by the state and involved in 'unidentified' murders in North Kurdistan.
AKP had recently released some 10 Hezbollah members that were involved in the assassination plan.