Dozens of prisoners suffer food poisoning in Amed

After eating prison food, more than 30 prisoners detained in the Diyarbakır prison complex had to be hospitalised due to severe food poisoning.

After eating prison food, dozens of prisoners detained in the Diyarbakır prison complex had to be hospitalised due to severe food poisoning. According to the Diyarbakır Bar Association, a total of 32 inmates showed signs of poisoning on Sunday evening after eating chicken. The symptoms were apparently so severe that the prison's own infirmary immediately ordered a transfer to hospital.

However, it was not only spoilt meat that led to the poisoning. "We assume that the poor sanitary conditions are partly responsible for the symptoms," said a joint statement by the Diyarbakır Bar Association, Association of Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD) and Human Rights Association (IHD). "In order to compensate for the loss of fluids and electrolytes due to vomiting and diarrhea, the prisoners consumed brown running tap water. This is probably one of the reasons why their condition could almost be described as dramatic."

32 prisoners in the campus were referred to hospital with complaints such as vomiting and nausea, and were discharged after receiving treatment, according to the statement, which appealed to the authorities, saying: "We remind you once again that it is the fundamental responsibility of the state to ensure that prisoners have access to decent food and thus guarantee their right to access to food and health, which is one of the most basic human rights. We call on the authorities, as part of their duty of care and responsibility, to ensure that similar cases are not repeated."

Food poisoning is a recurring problem in detention centres in the Diyarbakır prison complex. Most recently, several prisoners had to be hospitalised in mid-May due to similar symptoms.