“Dr. Baran and Besê Martyrs' Cemetery” opened in Dersim

“Dr. Baran and Besê Martyrs' Cemetery” opened in Dersim

A cemetery has been constructed to commemorate Martyr Baran and Martyr Besê, two guerrillas of the ARGK and HPG who lost their lives at different times in the Pülümür district of Dersim.

104 guerrillas, including 99 PKK/HPG members and 5 TİKKO/TKP-ML members, as well as members of some tribes killed in the Dersim genocide in 1938, are buried in the martyrs' cemetery which could finally be opened yesterday following two days of hindrance by security forces. Families of the fallen guerrillas buried here and party members participated the opening.

Following the reading out of the names of 104 guerrillas, families left carnations on the graves of their beloved ones.