Kurdish youth in Drancy protest isolation
Kurdish youth in Drancy protested against isolation and the Turkish occupation attacks.
Kurdish youth in Drancy protested against isolation and the Turkish occupation attacks.
The Kurdish youth movement Tevgera Ciwanên Şoreşger (TCŞ) carried out an action with the slogan "End Isolation, Fascism, Occupation: Bi Hev Re Serhildan".
Young people from TCŞ gathered in the suburb of Drancy on Wednesday evening and read a statement in French before they started their march.
The statement drew attention to the indefinite and alternated hunger strike launched by political prisoners in Turkish jails on November 27.
Throughout the action, the young people frequently chanted slogans such as "Bijî Serok Apo", "A thousand greetings to İmralı" and "Liberté pour Öcalan”.