‘Erdoğan NOT welcome’ demonstration in Stuttgart
Protests are growing ahead of Erdoğan's visit to Germany.
Protests are growing ahead of Erdoğan's visit to Germany.
A demonstration was held in the German city of Stuttgart against the visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s visit to Germany on September 28-29.
The “Erdogan NOT welcome” demonstration was staged in Königstrassein Marschtal.
Activists informed the passersby, saying; “Erdoğan must destroy himself as is done by each dictator as his end nears”.
The banners hung at the scene read “Shoulder to shoulder against fascism” and “Stop support for Turkey”.
The action ended with a call for participation in the demonstration to be held at Lautenschlagerstrasse at 14:00 on September 22 in protest at the isolation imposed on Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan by the Turkish regime.