Erdoğan will talk to himself in Germany
Erdoğan will make a speech in the Turkish Consulate after he was banned from holding meetings in Germany.
Erdoğan will make a speech in the Turkish Consulate after he was banned from holding meetings in Germany.
According to the German newspaper Rheinische Post, AKP members who searched for halls to serve their meetings but repeatedly faced a rejection, decided to choose the Turkish Consulate as a stage after Turkish President Tayip Erdoğan was banned from holding meetings in Germany during his visit to the country for the G-20 Summit.
Turkish Consulate Spokesperson Refik Soğukoğlu said: "The Turkish Consulate does not require any permissions for the mentioned activities. Erdoğan can decide by himself to hold activities there."
Turkish President Erdoğan will be one of the attendants in the G-20 Summit, which will kick off on July 7 and continue for two days in German city Hamburg.