ESP calls for resistance against colonial occupation

The Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP) called on all peoples and the proletarian left movement to take their place on the side of humanity, resistance, honour and freedom against Turkish occupation of Southern Kurdistan.

The Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP)-Kurdistan released a statement calling for resistance against the Turkish state’s escalated attacks and occupation campaign in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq).

"The colonial fascist regime in 2021 expanded its occupation attacks against Southern Kurdistan, seeking to finalize its campaign with annexation but ending up in failure to achieve its goals. Accelerating its logistical and diplomatic preparations afterwards, it intensified its attacks on Amêdiyê and Sergelê, which have been going on for weeks. The civilian-populated villages are bombed and evacuated,” said the statement released on Thursday.

ESP-Kurdistan stated that methods that are considered crimes under international law, from tactical nuclear weapons to chemical weapons, have been employed by the Turkish state for three years and “despite this, the guerrilla's self-sacrificing resistance has not been broken.”

The statement continued: "There is no doubt that the KDP's treacherous policies towards our people on the basis of co-operation with colonialism play a fundamental role in this reckless occupation aggression. The result of this collaboration is the occupation that has reached a depth of 40 km in Southern Kurdistan today, and around 80 military bases in Duhok and Hewlêr [Erbil] belonging to the colonial army. While the colonialist Turkish army is carrying the occupation to another stage, the KDP is deepening its betrayal and collaboration. Peshmerga forces under the command of the KDP are hitting the peak of national shame by leaving their territories directly to the Turkish army."

Pointing out that these invasion attacks are taking place in front of the eyes of the world, ESP said, "The first strategic goal of the colonialist Turkish state in this invasion is to destroy the PKK leadership (and of course the revolutionary-communist war leadership in the Medya Defense Zones with it). Secondly, to realise the dreams of Misak-ı Milli [The ‘National Pact’ adopted 104 years ago that takes all Kurdistan, that is, the region including northern Iraq and northern Syria, within the borders of the Turkish state].”

"The dirty war is deepening the poverty of our labouring peoples. Therefore, our peoples, all sections of the proletarian left movement must take their place on the side of bread, humanity, resistance, honour and freedom against this occupation that increases the spiral of poverty."