EU removes Colombia’s FARC from terror list
Colombian guerrilla organisation FARC has been removed from the European Union’s list of terrorist organisations.
Colombian guerrilla organisation FARC has been removed from the European Union’s list of terrorist organisations.
EU Council Press Spokesperson Virginie Battu announced that the FARC has been removed from the list of terrorist organisations following the signing of the peace deal.
The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia's People Army (FARC-EP) had been on EU’s list of terrorist organisations since 2002. The EU had temporarily removed the organisation from the list in September 2016.
After half a century of fighting, the FARC surrendered the last of their weapons to the UN with a ceremony on June 27. The ceremony was held in La Guajira in the rural areas of the city of Mesetas, and was attended by Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, UN Colombian Mission Chief Jean Arnault and FARC Leader Rodrigo Londono.