Facebook closes left-wing page Ötekilerin Postası
Facebook closes left-wing page Ötekilerin Postası
Facebook closes left-wing page Ötekilerin Postası
Facebook has closed one of the most prominent and opponent news page, Ötekilerin Postası (the Post of Others) which posts regular reports of the protests and developments across the country. The page has 137 thousand followers.
The opponent page was opened last year as “Açlık Grevi Postası”, (Hunger Strike Post) soon after the beginning of the indefinite and irreversible mass hunger strike act by PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) and PAJK (Kurdistan Women’s Liberation Party) prisoners in Turkish jails on 12 September, at the anniversary of the bloody military coup in 1980. Not long after, the page was closed by Facebook administration for allegedly publishing pornographic posts.
The page later continued its service as Ötekilerin Postası, informing tens of thousands about the last minute developments in the country. The page constitutes an alternative to the mainstream media, being the voice of the people, with its reports mainly being provided by voluntary reporters from across the country.
The closure of the page drew strong reactions from users of social media who have on twitter called for a boycott against Facebook for preventing people's freedom of information.
Facebook has closed a number of opponent, left-wing and Kurdish pages so far for alleged crimes of promoting violence and acting on behalf of an illegal organization.