Fadıl Senyaşar remains in prison

Fadıl Şenyaşar's request for release was rejected again. The hearing was adjourned to 12 July.

On 14 June 2018, a few days before the parliamentary and presidential elections, the bodyguards and relatives of AKP Urfa MP Ibrahim Halil Yıldız attacked the Şenyaşar family's shop in Suruç during the election campaign.

In the attack, brothers Celal, Adil, Mehmet, Fadıl and Ferit Şenyaşar were severely injured and hospitalized. Relatives and supporters of AKP MP Yıldız killed Celal and Adil Şenyaşar in hospital, and their father Hacı Esvet Şenyaşar, when he went to the hospital to see his sons. He was brutally murdered, being lynched in front of his wife, Emine Şenyaşar.

The trial of the case was held at Malatya Heavy Penal Court No 3 on Friday. Fadıl Şenyaşar attended the hearing via Audio and Video Information System (SEGBİS) from Elazığ Prison where he has been imprisoned for about 6 years.

The court ruled for Fadıl Şenyaşar, who was jailed after the attack, to remain in prison. The hearing was adjourned to 12 July.

Emine Şenyaşar, whose husband and two sons were killed in the attack, has been holding a Justice Vigil for justice for her slain family members and imprisoned son for years, as the Turkish judicial authorities showed no interest in completely solving the murders. Yıldız and the majority of his mafia gang still enjoy a life of freedom today, and only one of two dozen attackers has been convicted so far. Albeit to a symbolic sentence of 18 years, only two thirds of which he has to serve.

In contrast, Fadıl Şenyaşar, a survivor, was sentenced to almost 38 years in prison for killing an attacker. This was despite the fact that it was proven relatively quickly that the man was killed by his own people. To demand the punishment of her family members' murderers and the release of her son, Emine Şenyaşar initiated a vigil in front of the Palace of Justice in Urfa in March 2021, which she ended on her 846th day - but only to move it to the Ministry of Justice in Ankara. 49 days later, government representatives agreed to meet with Şenyaşar and assured her that they would make amends for the injustice done to the family. "The Minister of Justice and his representatives said that they were aware that they had treated us unfairly. They told us that we had to be patient," said Ferit Şenyaşar. After five months of waiting without any progress, his mother resumed her action in front of the Ministry of Justice in Ankara.