Activists in South Kurdistan ended their hunger strike action

Activists in In Maxmur, Sulaymaniyah and Germiyan also ended their hunger strike.

After HDP Nasır Yağız announced the end of his hunger strike after 187 days in Hewler, the other activists on hunger strike in South Kurdistan also announced the end of their fast. 

Responding to the call made by Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan, Yağız said: "We are finalizing our action on Reber Apo's call. Our struggle though is not finished; we will continue struggling until our Leadership and Kurdistan are freed."

Activists in In Maxmur, Sulaymaniyah and Germiyan also ended their hunger strike.

Fadile Tok has been on hunger strike for 127 days in Maxmur, Herêm Mahmud has been on hunger strike for 92 days in Kelar.

Merwan Memduh Özdemir was the only activist on death fast outside prison. He had gone on death fast on 14 May in Süleymaniye. In his statement he confirmed the end of his actions and vowed to continue struggling to ensure "the freedom of our Leadership."