FARC-EP Guerrilla Conference sends a greeting of solidarity to PKK

The X National Guerrilla Conference of the FARC-EP "For national reconciliation, peace with social justice and advanced democracy" has sent a greeting of solidarity to the Kurdistan Workers' Party, PKK.

The X National Guerrilla Conference of the FARC-EP "For national reconciliation, peace with social justice and advanced democracy" has sent a greeting of solidarity to the Kurdistan Workers' Party, PKK.

The FARC-EP informed that they have just completed the Conference, their highest decision-making body. The Conference was attended by 220 delegates from all the different FARC-EP structures throughout the national territory.

"The Conference expressed its unanimous support for the Final Agreement for the Termination of Conflict and the construction of a stable and lasting peace, recently achieved in Havana, Cuba, whose implementation should lead us to a democratization of the country, our legal political participation and minimum reforms to improve the conditions of the people, with emphasis on the countryside."

The guerrilla fighters and comandantes expressed their willingness to become a legal political party, in order to continue fighting for the objectives that they outlined in their strategic plan.

FARC-EP reaffirmed their internationalist solidarity with the struggle for sovereignty of the Kurdish people, democratic confederalism and the construction of a free and fair society, free of oppression or discrimination based on class, race, gender or ethnicity.

X National Guerrilla Conference of the FARC-EP also highlighted their demand for freedom for Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan held in solitary confinement in İmralı Island Prison.