FARC party told world diplomats about problems in peace process
FARC party executives met with international diplomats to discuss the problems faced by the Colombian Peace Process.
FARC party executives met with international diplomats to discuss the problems faced by the Colombian Peace Process.
FARC (People's Revolutionary Alternative Force Party) President Rodrigo Londoño (Timochenko), Senators Julián Gallo, Griselda Lobo, Israel Zúñiga, Counselor Rodrigo Granda and Advisor Diego Martínez met with the ambassadors of the European Union, the Apostolic Nuncio, Switzerland, Sweden, Mexico, United Kingdom, donor countries and the Guarantor countries: Cuba and Norway.
The meeting took place at the headquarters of the Second United Nations Mission in Colombia and FARC executives were able to present their views and concerns about the critical state of the Peace Process and the dangers that loom over it, due to delays in implementation.
Such implementation, said the FARC executives, should have been "integral and harmonious in all the points agreed in Havana: the relative advances in reincorporation of former guerrillas, the short take off of the Land issue, lack of electoral guarantees, the murders of FARC members, as well as social leaders, the non respect of the economic commitments demanded by the implementation."
The FARC accused the government of "having a double discourse as it talks about its commitment to peace, but this talk is not reflected in practical results in the territories, where the presence of the State is Almost exclusively military."
The members of the FARC party answered some concerns and questions, while the diplomats pledged to continue supporting and accompanying the peace process, to make efforts in investment in productive projects in communities and to visit the Territorial Spaces where former guerrillas are living and trying to set up a new life.