FARC say no positive gestures from government
FARC say no positive gestures from government
FARC say no positive gestures from government
In its report from the negotiation table in Havana (Cuba) the FARC delegation reported on Sunday that "Peace Delegation of the FARC-EP spokesman Andrés París, member of the Central High Command of the FARC-EP, read a communiqué about the lack of positive gestures of the government concerning agrarian policies. The communiqué states that the peace talks wouldn´t make any sense “if the government changes the agreements into empty words that are carried away by the wind”.
The Peace Delegation - continues the report - stated two examples of what they call “a scoff of the agrarian reform by powerful economic groups and businessmen”. They talked about the situation in a region of Colombia called Altillanura, in the south-east of the country, where businessmen, disguised as “peasants” are concentrating great amounts of lands to sell them to big multinationals, violating laws and protected by the government and a handful of deceitful lawyers. Not to mention the fact that the great majority of these lands had been robbed violently from the original inhabitants by paramilitaries.
Secondly, underlined the FARC report "they mentioned the appalling situation in Catatumbo, where peasants have been protesting for almost two months because they ask for the constitution of a Peasant Reserve Zone".
The Peace Delegation wonders why the government has responded with violence (until now 4 peasants have died and there are dozens of wounded), and reminds that "the partial agreement on the first point of the Agenda states:
“The National Government, in consultation with communities, and taking into account the principles of this agreement, will promote the access to land and the planning of its use in the Peasant Reserve Zones, effectively supporting the development plans of the existing areas and the areas that will be constituted in the future, in response to the initiatives of representative communities and agricultural organizations, so as to comply with the purpose of promoting the peasant economy ... the active participation of the communities living in Peasant Reserve Zones will be promoted in the implementation of their development plans”".
The Colombian government also read a short press release, in which, the FARC delegation said "they defended – once again- their decision to continue war in the middle of a peace process. The reason for them to deny a bilateral ceasefire is that “we want to finish the war, not prolong it. We´re precisely looking for an agreement to end the war, to end violence. To avoid more absurd deaths”".
The FARC report ends by underlining that "One would say that a good start to end the war would be a bilateral ceasefire, but the government is convinced of the fact that military pressure “helps” to bow down the insurgency at the peace talks. The world upside down".
The FARC peace delegation has a webpage which can be found on