FED-DEM holds 1st conference in Bremen

FED-DEM, the umbrella organization of the Kurds living in Northern Germany, held its 1st conference in Bremen with the participation of 30 delegates.

Some 30 delegates from Bremen, Hamburg, Hannover, Kiel, Oldenburg and Kassel joined the 1st conference of FED-DEM, the umbrella organization of the Kurds living in Northern Germany.

The conference lasted for two days. The conference started with a minute's silence in memory of the martyrs of Kurdistan, especially those of Garê.

The conference elected the council and read the declaration of the KCDK-E Coordination.

Delegates discussed the various topics on the agenda and took some decisions related to the council work to be carried out in 2021.

The conference said: “We organize ourselves in the form of assembly and commune in all spheres of life for the construction of a moral political society. On this basis, our Assembly, commune and community centres fight against sectarianism, nationalism and sexism, which are the most basic weapons of capitalist modernity, and take the democratic society model as a basis.”