FED-DEM holds 3rd Congress in Hildesheim
FED-DEM, the umbrella organization of the Kurdish people living in Northern Germany, held its 3rd Congress in Hildesheim.
FED-DEM, the umbrella organization of the Kurdish people living in Northern Germany, held its 3rd Congress in Hildesheim.
FED-DEM held its 3rd Congress in Hildesheim. The congress started with the election of the council after a minute silence in memory of the martyrs of Kurdistan and the revolution.
Delegates then evaluated the 2-year work report and addressed the issue of the situation of the assemblies established in Northern Germany to meet the social, political and cultural needs of the Kurds.
Delegates said that the Kurdish people should intensify their actions and approved the report.
The congress ended with the election of the executive body made up of 11 people.