Final messages of YPG Press member martyred in Raqqa

"I send my greetings to my family, friends, people who love and respect me. I call on them to embrace and stand by this struggle wherever they are, lead it to success and to not abstain from making any sacrifice to this end.”

YPG Press Office has released a video footage depicting Fîraz Dağ (Mehmet Aksoy), founder and editor-in-chief of, martyred in YPG ranks in Raqqa, telling about himself and his reasons to join the struggle.

Fîraz Dağ “was one of those who reflected the new era of the Kurdistan Freedom Movement to the world” as is stated in YPG Press Office statement on his loss. On the morning of September 26, he reached martyrdom in the vicious attack of the Daesh gangs while on duty in Raqqa.

In the video by YPG Press Office, Dağ tells about himself and his reasons to join the struggle, in Turkish and translated below;

“My nom de guerre is Fîraz Dağ. My name is Mehmet Aksoy. I was born in Malatya and raised in London. My mother’s name is Zeynep, father’s is Kalender. I came to Rojava on 17 June 2017, and joined the YPG ranks.

I joined the YPG Press Unit to reflect the Rojava Revolution, Syrian Revolution, and the resistance and struggle of the Kurdish people to wider masses through a more successful use of means of communications.

I am here for two months. I am participating in the Raqqa campaign at the moment. I am very happy and honored to be here.

I send my greetings to my family, friends, people who love and respect me. I call on them to embrace and stand by this struggle wherever they are, lead it to success and to not abstain from making any sacrifice to this end.”