Four South Kurdistan parties met in Sulaymaniyah
Four Kurdish parties agree to work for the "interests of the people of South Kurdistan"
Four Kurdish parties agree to work for the "interests of the people of South Kurdistan"
Representatives of four Kurdish parties in South Kurdistan, Goran, Yekgirtu, Komeleya Islam, Democracy and Justice Coalition met in Sulaymaniyah to discuss their goals and plans in the new parliament.
Goran Ömer Seyid, Democracy and Justice Coalition president Berhem Salih, Komeleya Islam Kurdistan General President Eli Bapir, Yekgırtu Îslamî ya Kurdistanê (Kürdistan Islamic Union Party) General Secretary Selahaddin Behaddin joined the meeting.
“All four parties have agreed to create a bloc in the Iraqi parliament”, said Rebwar Kerim, from Democracy and Justice Coalition at the press conference held after the meeting.
He added that the four parties have formed an alliance on the basis of “serving the public’s interests, cooperation, and defending the constitutional rights of the citizens of the Kurdistan Region”.
Mohammed, speaking on behalf of the four parties, said that they would be engaged in efforts to create a joint administration in areas disputed between Baghdad and Erbil.
He also claimed that they would address Baghdad’s monetary obligations to the Kurdistan Region.