Four villages liberated in Mahkmur

Four villages liberated in Mahkmur

Guerrilla and peshmerga forces have carried out a joint operation against ISIS gangs in four villages in the town of Baqirtê (Bakırte) 40 km to the Mahkmur town.

The villages of Xirbatê (Hırbate), Mahmudiye, Reshidite and Fatime were taken from ISIS gangs following the operation which started at around 03.30 last night.

ISIS groups are reported to have suffered a heavy defeat in the operation during which a number of military vehicles and large quantities of ammunition were seized, and many vehicles were destroyed by the guerrilla and peshmerga.

Makhmur Kirkuk Command of Resistance is expected to make a detailed statement about the operation and its outcomes.

Gangs now calling themselves the Islamic State, who are systematically perpetrating savage crimes against humanity, seized the town of Makhmur on 6 August and were repulsed from the town and around the Mahkmur Refugee Camp by guerilla and peshmerga forces on 10 August.