'Freedom for Öcalan' march from Cizre to Amed begins

'Freedom for Öcalan' march from Cizre district of Şırnak to Amed has started.

'Freedom for Öcalan' march from Cizre district of Şırnak to Amed has started.

Thousands of people including HDP (Peoples' Democratic Party) Şırnak MP Faysal Sarıyıldız, co-chairs of Van, Hakkari and Siirt municipalities gathered in front of the Cizre Condolence and People's House in Cudi neighborhood at noon today.

Following a statement to the press, the mass started the march towards Nusaybin district of Mardin.

The mass will be joined by more people and elected representatives on the route of the march. Demonstrators are expected to walk 37 kilometers a day before reaching the main Kurdish city Amed for Newroz celebration on 21 March.