French politician: Police prevented us from reaching polls
French Green Party was invited by the HDP to observe the elections.
French Green Party was invited by the HDP to observe the elections.
The (Peoples’ Democratic Party) HDP had invited the French Green Party to Amed to follow the elections. The Green Party Spokeswoman Sandra Regol went to many schools converted in polling stations.
Regol told ANF: "We came to Amed with the other members of my party. Our goal was to prepare a report on the elections and take it to Europe. Today we wanted to go to Hani (Amed). But the state forces hindered us. We visited some schools in the province center. I have encountered many problems around here. The police did not want us to document the problems that were being experienced."
Regol said that the friends they came with had seen the police with guns making problems in Amed. "What we live here is not a normal thing for us. - she said - I can say that there are no such practices in democracy. I cannot hide my amazement at the violence surrounding the election process in Amed. Our party has constantly criticized Erdogan dictatorship."