German government insistent on PKK ban
At the debate two days ago in the Bundestag on lifting the ban on the PKK, the German government opposed the Left Party motion calling for an end to the ban.
At the debate two days ago in the Bundestag on lifting the ban on the PKK, the German government opposed the Left Party motion calling for an end to the ban.
At the debate two days ago in the Bundestag on lifting the ban on the PKK, the German government opposed the Left Party motion calling for an end to the ban. The government admitted that the PKK was doing good things in fighting ISIS, but stressed the ban would be maintained. Observers said: "Once again Germany is sacrificing the Kurds for its political and economic agreements with Turkey.”
During the debate in the German Federal Parliament, the Bundestag, Clemens Binninger, the spokesperson of the CDU/CSU government, said he was in favour of the ban being maintained.
The motion calling for the PKK ban to be lifted was put down by Die Linke (Left Party). The motion said the lifting of the ban, which has been in place since 1993, would help encourage the Turkish government to continue the peace process.
Parties make their attitude clear
73 deputies were present for the debate, which lasted 25 minutes. Representatives of the Christian Democrats and Christian Social Union (CDU-CSU), Social Democrats (SPD), Greens (B/90 Grüne) and Die Linke spoke, making their parties’ position on the ban clear.
Ulla Jelpke spoke on behalf of the Left Party, pointing out that the ban criminalised nearly a million Kurds living in Germany, adding that it was time for the ban to be lifted. She said the PKK was fighting ISIS in Sinjar and in Rojava, saving thousands of people from the threat of massacre.
Jelpke recalled that PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan was involved in ongoing peace talks, and that lifting the ban would lend impetus to this process.
Government parties opposed
Former police chief and member of the Interior Ministry Commission, Clemens Binninger referred to a report of the German intelligence organisation, claiming that there were still reasons for the maintenance of the ban. He admitted that the PKK had done good things in fighting ISIS and rescuing Yazidis and Christians, but that did not mean the ban should be lifted.
'The PKK is not our friend'
Marian Wendt of the CDU claimed that the PKK carried out ‘terrorist’ actions in Turkey and took young people from Europe to take part in conflict, adding: “The PKK has never been our friend. The Left Party should realise this.”
SPD deputy Ulu Grötsch also referred to intelligence reports in advocating a continuation of the ban, whereas Irene Mihalic, on behalf of the Greens, said the PKK should be given a chance.
Following the speeches by party representatives, the Left Party motion was sent to the parliamentary sub-commission, and is expected to be put to the vote in the next session of parliament.