German Greens Party calls for sanctions against Turkey
The Greens have demanded sanctions against NATO partner Turkey because of its war of invasion against Northern and Eastern Syria.
The Greens have demanded sanctions against NATO partner Turkey because of its war of invasion against Northern and Eastern Syria.
The German Greens Party has demanded sanctions against NATO partner Turkey because of its invasion of Northern and Eastern Syria in violation of international law. At their party conference in Bielefeld, a motion for a series of sanctions against Turkey was passed with a large majority on Saturday evening. The motion calls for the following concrete measures:
- Financial sanctions against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and members of the Turkish government and the military.
- Complete stop of all arms exports to Turkey.
- End of the agreement between the European Union and Turkey to supply millions of Syrian refugees in Turkey.
- End of the use of "Tornado" reconnaissance planes of the German army (Bundeswehr) over Syria and Iraq in the fight against the terrorist organization Islamic State.
- Stop of the so-called Hermes guarantees to secure German exports to Turkey.
Of the re-elected chairpersons Annalena Baerbock received 97.1 percent of the votes, and 90.4 percent of the delegates voted for Robert Habeck. The party conference of the Greens will continue today with discussions on climate protection.