The state executive of the German Left Party, DIE LINKE, Baden-Württemberg condemned the Turkish attacks on Kurdistan, stating, "DIE LINKE demands a clear condemnation of the attacks by the German Foreign Ministry, an immediate stop to the arms deliveries and an end to the criminalisation of the Kurdish freedom movement in Germany. DIE LINKE calls for solidarity demonstrations in Baden-Württemberg and shows solidarity with the Kurdish freedom struggle."
The Federal Committee of DIE LINKE also called on the German Foreign Ministry to act: "On the night of 19-20 November, Turkey again bombed Kurdish areas in Syria from the air. Solidarity with the Kurds in northern Syria, northern Iraq, Iran and Turkey who have been attacked and criminalised again and again!
We demand a clear condemnation of the attacks by the German Foreign Ministry, an end to the criminalisation of the Kurdish freedom movement in Germany, a stop to arms exports to Turkey and pressure on Turkey to immediately cease these attacks.
It must not happen that these bombings are hushed up by politicians or the media just because Turkey is in NATO.
As leftists, we are clearly against any war and against any double standards. We call for the solidarity demonstrations that are now taking place at short notice in various cities. Stop the bombs, solidarity with the Kurdish struggle for freedom!"
The declaration was unanimously adopted by the Federal Committee, the meeting of representatives of all national associations and unions.

Cover Photo: Rojava Information Center