Global action for Kobanê on 1 November

Global action for Kobanê on 1 November

Millions across the world will take to the streets tomorrow to mark the International Day of Global Action for Kobanê, November 1, in solidarity with the resistance of Kurdish forces and people against ISIS barbarism targeting and destroying the values of humanity.

Solidarity demonstrations have been planned all over the world on the Kobanê Global Action Day, to greet the resistance in Kobanê to the barbarism of the Middle Ages, from Argentina to India and from Equador to Italy.

Prominent signatories of the appeal for urgent action for the besieged Kurdish town include Prof Noam Chomsky-US; Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 1980-Argentina; Luisa Morgantini - Former Vice President of EP-Italy; Margaret Owen O.B.E, human rights lawyer-UK, Prof Michael Günter, EU Turkey Civic Commission (EUTCC)-US; Peter Tatchell, Director, Peter Tatchell Foundation-UK; Fabio Amato, Foreign Representative of the PRC Party and Secretariat of the European Left-Italy; Nora Cortinas, Human rights activist, co-founder of the Mayo's Square Mothers-Argentina; Maria Augusta Calle, President of the Commission on Sovereignty and International Relations of the National Assembly-Ecuador.

Academics, writers, lawyers, politicians and activists from political, social-justice and environmental movements from countries all around the world, including India, Ecuador, Croatia, Norway and the Basque Country, have also signed the call for international solidarity for the Kurdish resistance in Syria.

Times and places of some of the rallies and demonstrations to take place to mark the International Day of Global Action for Kobanê tomorrow are as follows;


Stuttgart (Lautenschlager 16:00)

Nürnberg (Aufsessplatz, at 15:00)

Frankfurt (Hauptbahnof, at 15:00)

Berlin (Bahnof Adeneurplatz,at 14:00)

Köln (Ebertplatz, at 14:00)

Düsseldorf (Hauptbahnhof, at 14:00)

Bielefeld (Rathaus, at 14:00)

Hannover (Opern Platz,at 14:00)

Bremen (Ziegenmarkt, at 14:00)

Hamburg (Hachmann-platz,at 14:00)

Leipzig (Rabat (Konradstrasse),at 14:00)

Erfurt (Domplatz, at 13:00)

Saarbrücken, (City centre, at 14:00)

Marburg (Bahnofstrasse 6, at 14:00)

Frieburg (Rathausplaz, at 16:00)

Lübeck: Demonstrators will gather in front of the Hbf at 12:45 and leave for Hamburg from the 7th railway platform.


Solidarity demonstrations will be staged at 19 separate points in Italy, which are; Bologna, Brescia, Cagliari, Catania, Firenze, Lecce, Messina, Milano, Napoli, Padova, Palermo, Ragusa, Reggio Calabria, Roma, Rovigo, Torino, Udine, Vicenza


The main one of the 9 demonstrations across France will take place in the capital Paris.

Place and time of the rallies are;

Caen (Caen place de la Republique 14000 Caen, at 11:00)

Rennes (Dalle du Colombier 35000 Rennes, at 12:00)

Paris (Place de la Bastille, 75011 Paris, at 14:00)

Bordeaux (Place de la Victoire à Bordeaux, at 14:00)

Marseilles (Haut de la Canebière, at 14:00)

Strasbourg (Place Kléber à Strasbourg, at 14:00)

Toulouse (Place du Capitole à Toulouse, at 14:00)

Nantes (Place Royale à Nantes, at 16:00)

Lille (Place De La Republique Lille à Lille, at 17:00)


Demos in solidarity with the Kobanê resistancewill also take place in 6 cities in Sweden, in Oslo and Bergen in Norway, in Copenhagen in Denmark, and in Helsinki in Finland.

Uppsala: Vaksala Torg, at 13:00

Angered: Angereds Arena - Västra Götalands Län, at 14:00

Gävle: Söldermalmstorg, at 12:30

Malmö: Möllevångstorget, at 14:00

Goteborg: Götaplatsen, at 14:00

Stockholm: Humlegarden, at 13:00

Oslo: Youngstorget 6, at 13:30

Bergen: Torgallmenningen, at 15:00


The Kobanê resistance will also be supported and saluted in Den Haag in Holland, in Bern, Basel and Zurich in Switzerland, in Brussels in Belgium, in Madrid in Spain, in Athens in Greece and in Vienna in Austria.


Brussels: Gare du Nord, at 14:00


Manchester: All Saints Park, Oxford Road, at 13:00

London: Trafalgar Square, at 14:00

Cambridge: Gathering at Trumpington Road will start at 11:00 before the mass leaves for London

Durham: Gala Theater& Cinema, Millenium Place, at 13:00

Leeds: To be announced


Madrid: Atocha, at 19:00


Zurich: Helevetiaplatz, at 15:00


Salzburg: Resindenzplatz, 5020, at 14:00

Vienna:Stephansplatz 1. at 14:00


Demonstrations in Herat, Farah, Nangarhar, Balkh, Takhar, Nimruz, Bamyan have been organized by the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan (SPA). Solidarity demos will also take place at 6 points in India.

Millions for Kobanê will also take to the streets in Argentine, Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Honduras, Portuguese (Lizbon, Rossio, Lisboa), Venezuela, Chile and the U.S.


Washington: Lafayette Park, at 14:00


Buenos Aires: el Obelisco, at 17:00


Adelaide: Gawler Place - Rundle Mall, Adelaide, 31 October, at 19:00

Sydney: Town Hall, 1 November at 14:00


Quito: UTC-05 – In front of the Turkish Consulate, at 17:30


Tegucigalpa: In front of the ONU office, 31October, at 10:00


Bilbao: el Ayuntamiento, at 12:00


Vancouver: Vancouver Art Gallery, 750 Hornby Street, at 13:00

Toronto: Beit Zatoun, 612 Markham, Toronto-Ontario, at 19:00


Lizbon: Rossio, at 14:00


Prag: Náměstí Republiky, In front of the Palladium Shopping Mall, at 14:00


Town: In front of the University of Warsaw