Grief and anger in Gever as Tokçu laid to rest

Grief and anger in Gever as Tokçu laid to rest

Thousands joined the funeral of 25 years old Bemal Tokçu who died on Wednesday after he was severely wounded by a bullet that hit him on the head during the crackdown police staged on people in Gever, Hakkari's Yüksekova district last Saturday. Police brutally attacked thousands who were joining the funeral of Reşit İşbilir (35) and Veysel İşbilir (34) who were shot dead by Turkish police during a demo in the district on 6 December.

The funeral ceremony was also joined by BDP (Peace and Democracy Party) deputies Esat Canan and Özdal Üçer and BDP executives.

The mass marched in heavy snow from a mosque to the cemetery in Orman neighborhood where Tokçu was laid to rest following one minute's silence for all those who died in the Kurdish freedom struggle.

Police, using intense tear gas and rubber bullets, attacked the people as they left the cemetery after the funeral. Clashes broke out as youths responded to the attack with stones.