Despite the government's persistently confrontational policies in Ankara, Turkey has been spared sanctions by the EU.
Instead of an EU arms embargo or direct sanctions, the European heads of state and governments reached a compromise at the EU summit in Brussels. Only a few companies and individuals involved in the illegal drilling activities for natural gas exploration in the Mediterranean will be sanctioned. Further demands made by many EU states did not find the necessary unanimous support. In contrast, a new offer of dialogue to the government in Ankara was agreed.
The offer of “a positive EU-Turkey agenda” remains therefore on the table. The prerequisite is that Turkey should declare to be ready to "resolve differences through dialogue and in accordance with international law".
HDP spokeswoman Ebru Günay reacted with indignation to the result of the meeting and accused the heads of state and governments of the EU of “hypocritical policy”. Günay called on Europe to give up the position of making human rights and democracy a bargaining chip. “Until yesterday, the AKP relied on external forces to maintain its repressive rule. Without changing its political course, it relies on others in order to prolong its existence."
Günay pointed out the complicity of the EU in connection with the establishment of an authoritarian regime in Turkey: “Ignoring these anti-democratic structures, which the AKP government has consolidated over the years in order to use them in the persecution and suppression of its own people, has meant that nothing has changed. For years Europe has watched 'with concern' the trampling of human rights. This situation is not limited to Turkey, but now also affects Syria, Libya, Greece and Armenia.”
According to the HDP deputy, human rights and democracy are fundamental parameters of European politics. But they are evidently in tension with other political goals, such as foreign trade relations. “The EU should stand up for freedoms. Instead, it tolerates the illegal detention of politicians, human rights activists and journalists, thereby helping the AKP to keep its regime alive. We call for an approach towards Ankara based on the values of human rights and democracy.”