Hatimoğulları: Improving Öcalan’s conditions is the most concrete step

Tülay Hatimoğulları outlined the concrete steps that should be taken following Abdullah Öcalan’s call.

The Co-Chair of the Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party), Tülay Hatimoğulları, spoke about the call made by the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) leader, Abdullah Öcalan, and their meeting with him in an interview with Şirin Payzın and Murat Sabuncu on T24.

Hatimoğulları stated that Öcalan’s specific request was for his message to be discussed with all political parties, particularly the main opposition, and she said: "He was very curious about how the opposition would respond to this process. In 2013 and earlier, there were some attempts at peace, but the opposition was not part of these efforts. In fact, they stood against them. We did not and cannot intervene in this matter because, in global experiences of conflict and resolution processes, it is those engaged in the conflict who negotiate with each other. Those of us involved in democratic processes contribute to ensuring that this process evolves into dialogue. We do not interfere with the content of the discussions."

The call was also directed at the Turkish state

Hatimoğulları emphasized that the call was not only made to the PKK but also to the state, government, and society. She stated: "This call was made to the PKK, and it is one of the parties expected to respond and take steps. However, this call is also directed at the state, the government, and society. Our mayors and co-mayors have been arrested, and now a similar situation is extending to the Republican People's Party (CHP), with Ekrem Imamoğlu being targeted. On the one hand, we are talking about peace, yet recently, trustees have been appointed to municipalities. On the anniversary of Mr. Öcalan’s transfer to Turkey, a trustee was appointed to Van (Wan) at a time when there were expectations that his call could be read on that very day. Under such circumstances, it is impossible to talk about democratization. Mr. Öcalan is also addressing this issue, saying 'A democratic foundation must be established.'"

The most democratic and humane demand

She stressed that this process should not be treated as a negotiation and said: "For this call to be truly answered and for the democratic Turkey we envision to be built, these issues must not be treated as bargaining chips. That is not the right approach. What is being demanded is democracy. What is being demanded is the recognition of the existence of the Kurdish people.The right to education in one's mother tongue, democratization in local governance, ending the appointment of trustees, reinstating those who have been removed, and restoring co-mayors to their positions, are fundamental democratic principles. Reducing the basic tenets of democracy to a matter of negotiation and trade-offs is a flawed perspective. These are the most democratic and humane demands."



Öcalan is very clear

Speaking about Öcalan’s stance, Hatimoğulları stated: "Mr. Öcalan is saying, ‘We want peace. I have made my call for disarmament and dissolution, and now we must begin establishing a democratic foundation for this process.’ He also stated that ‘every sentence in this call must be thoroughly elaborated.’ Öcalan is very clear. He is certain that the PKK will adhere to the call.

This is beyond elections; it transcends electoral concerns. If President Erdoğan is thinking, ‘How can I shape this to my advantage?’ that is his own perspective. I have nothing to say about that. Instead of criticizing the DEM Party, they should be asking, ‘How can we support the call made by Mr. Öcalan?’ Otherwise, they say, ‘You are being subjected to violence.’ We are well aware of that. Those who criticize us by saying, ‘Have you not learned your lesson?’ are the ones trying to freeze politics. We are the ones being beaten with the stick, yet those counting the blows are the ones criticizing the process."

Working conditions must be improved

Hatimoğulları stated: "The question of ‘Where does the United States stand in all this?’ is certainly a topic worth discussing. However, the real driving force behind this development is not that—it is the realization, even within the state, of the strategic dangers Turkey is facing, which led to this statement being made, particularly in response to Devlet Bahçeli's stance. Mr. Öcalan also stated that for this call to be met with a response, he needs to work with his organization. The most concrete step to take is opening communication channels and ensuring proper working conditions. Öcalan has made it clear: ‘For now, if my conditions on İmralı are improved, I will be able to communicate with my organization.’ This is the most urgent demand. To carry out this process,  Öcalan’s working conditions must be improved."

A commission should be established in parliament

Hatimoğulları proposed a parliamentary commission to address this issue. She stated: "The second concrete step that must be taken urgently is the formation of a commission in parliament, ensuring representation from all political parties. This could lead to very serious and positive outcomes. Another essential step is to establish a legal basis for these discussions and for the measures being taken. Öcalan stated, ‘For us to take action, the legal framework must be strengthened.’ How can this be achieved? Trustees should not be appointed; obstructing democratic politics in this manner will not open the way forward. Öcalan also pointed to past provocations, emphasizing: ‘Within the state, one side advocates for peace, while another strikes a blow against it. Everyone must open their eyes to these realities.’"