The United Revolutionary Movement of Peoples (HBDH) Militia released its balance sheet for 2020.
In a written statement, the HBDH Militia said; “As the HBDH Militia, we carried out dozens of actions within the scope of the revolutionary mobilization campaign we launched against AKP-MHP fascism in 2020. We hit and destroyed fascism and its supporters in the areas they thought were the most secured. The operations we undertook in 2020 against this fascist regime, which is hostile to the oppressed, especially the workers, women and the Kurdish people, herald our 2021 actions. In 2021, we will embark on more effective and influential actions through our revolutionary mobilization campaign "We Will Destroy Fascism, We Will Win Freedom", and bring the bosses, colonialist fascist power, murderers of women and patriarchal capitalism to account.’’