HDP co-chair Yüksekdağ: Struggle is beginning for us just now

HDP co-chair Yüksekdağ stressed that the AKP/Palace regime didn't recognize the will manifested on June 7, adding; "The final scene of this pro-coup politics has been played in the parliament."

HDP co-chairs Figen Yüksekdağ and Selahattin Demirtaş made a statement to the press in the wake of the lifting of parliamentary immunities, a “coup” proposal introduced by the AKP and approved by the CHP and MHP on the basis of an anti-Kurdish alliance.

Speaking here, Figen Yüksekdağ stressed that; “A historic process has passed and a historic intersection has been crossed. Some have overcome this process holding their head high. Some others, on the other hand, consider themselves as having overcome this process by strengthening the repressive and authoritarian politics.”

Describing the voting on the lifting of immunities as a reflection of the coup that began on June 7, Yüksekdağ said; "A coup has been staged openly against the will of the people. We cannot be expected to see this process as democratic nor to accept it."

Yüksekdağ stressed that the AKP/Palace regime didn't recognize the will manifested on June 7, adding; "The final scene of this pro-coup politics has been played in the parliament."

HDP co-president added; "Struggle is beginning for us just now. We have resisted and become the voice of those resisting against this pro-coup practice. The democratic transformation power of our people is on our side."