HDP delegation headed by co-chair Buldan ends visit to France
An HDP delegation, headed by co-chair Pervin Buldan, has ended its meetings in France.
An HDP delegation, headed by co-chair Pervin Buldan, has ended its meetings in France.
An HDP delegation, consisting of co-chair Pervin Buldan, co-chair of Foreign Relations Commission Feleknas Uca and our Hakkari MP Sait Dede, ended its meetings with the political groups in the French National Assembly.
On the second day of the diplomatic visit program in Paris, the delegation met with Julien Bayou, Secretary General of the French Green Party, and Paul Molac and Sébastien Nadot, parliamentarians of the Liberté et Territoires Group in the French National Assembly.
During the meetings, views were exchanged on the political developments in Turkey and the region, while the relations between France and Turkey were discussed.
During the two-day visit, the delegation met with the French Socialist Party, the French Communist Party, the France Insoumise parliamentary Group, the French Green Party, the Liberté et Territoires Group.