HDP: North and East Syria are not a security threat, they are hope for humanity

The Executive committee of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) has released a statement in response to Turkey’s intense aerial bombardment of North and East Syria and northern Iraq, calling for an immediate end to military aggression.

The Executive committee of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) has released a statement in response to Turkey’s intense aerial bombardment of North and East Syria and northern Iraq, calling for an immediate end to military aggression.

Turkish warplanes have been bombing civilian settlements in North and East Syria overnight, citing the Istanbul bombing of 13 November, which many analysts consider to have been a false flag operation by the Turkish state, as a justification for its actions.

The region is known for its resistance against ISIS, and, said the HDP, “The new life system it has established which has been an inspiration to oppressed minorities all over the world […] North and East Syria are not a security threat, they are hope for humanity!”

The statement goes on to say that while Turkey has previously attacked Afrin and other Kurdish regions in North and East Syria, taking control of a number of regions, “These attacks do not, as the administration claims, ensure border security, on the contrary they increase the threats and dangers to Turkey”, indicating that the real threat comes from “ISIS and similar organisations that it has been nurturing in the region”.

Turkey is in the midst of a great period of crisis, and the ruling Justice and Development Party / Nationalist Movement Party (AKP-MHP) coalition is in danger of losing power, the life of which “they are trying to extend by the strategy of external war”, says the HDP.

The HDP goes on to call “national and international democratic circles, anti-war and sympathetic sectors to raise their voices and condemn these unjust attacks,” urging the “administration to stop this dangerous initiative, and international forces not to be a part of it.” They find the attacks “so wrong and so dangerous”, and go on to express their condolences for those who have lost their lives and wish urgent recovery to the injured.

HDP’s Women’s Council: Let us defend life and freedom! Jin, jiyan, azadi!

Meanwhile, the HDP’s Women’s Council has issued a statement condemning the attacks on Kobanî as an attack on the free and independent life established under the leadership of women.

The statement of the women’s council says that the only threat to the administration in North and East Syria and Kobanî is the free and equal system established under the leadership of women in response to its increasing war tactics. They say that “these attacks are the last ditch hope of the AKP-MHP” coalition, but that “Cross-border operations and policies based on war and hatred will not extend their lives.”

The statement goes on to say that the coalition is more concerned with solving its own crisis than that of the people, that they are unable to tolerate the achievements of the Kurdish people.

They call upon “all women across the world: Let us defend life and freedom! Jin, jiyan, azadi! (Woman, Life, Freedom)”